Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blessed Are The Peacemakers..A Biblical Short Story

     Michah was a shepherd boy who lived in the region of Galilee.  His father Ezekial, and his grandfather, Jeremiah were in the fields the night the star shone over Bethlehem.  That was the night the angel announced the coming of the Lord Jesus.

     One day, Michah was in the fields tending sheep.  He sat under a fig tree to leat lunch.  Ezekial and Jeremiah joined Michah in the cool shade.  They all shared the goats milk, cheese, bread and figs.

     "My Father and Grandfather, this tastes so good! While we are eating, will you both tell me the story, when thirty years ago, you were in the fields on that night?  Tell me how the angel announced the birth of Our Lord?  Oh, I want to hear it so much."

     "It was a dark night," said Jeremiah, "your father and I attended the sheep. The night was so crisp and cold, and the stars appeared like diamonds across the sky.  The sky then became brighter, and the angel appeared to us.  He appeared like a bright, jeweled statue filling up half the sky.  The angel was surrounded in light with a peaceful countenance and a smile upon his lips.

     "Do not be afraid, I am the Messenger of the Lord.  I bring to you from the Most High God, a true message.  In the city of David, the most High has sent His Most Beloved Son down to earth as a baby boy.  He is born in poverty and will bring us His Blessed Peace.  You shall find Him with a lovely Virgin Mother, named Mary.  With the Holy Virgin will be the carpenter Joseph, who is mild, strong and patient.  They are in a stable stall, and the babe is lying in the manger, because there was no room for them in the Inn. And the baby Son of God will be wrapped in swaddling clothes."

     "We were filled with such joy," said Ezekial, " a joy that could not be explained.  We felt a deep happiness to be able to go to Bethlehem, which means city of Bread, and see this wonderful sight, the Prince of Peace and The Bread of Life.  The Lord gave us strength to travel.  We arrived at the stable, and it was quiet and full of life.  We walked in like we were approaching a king sitting on a throne.  We whispered, because we knew we were in the presence of someone who was totally holy and pure.  We knelt down in front of Him without being told, and adored him for a long time.  It brought smiles to our faces and peace and love in our hearts.  It was almost into the next morning, that we adored Him.  Mary and Joseph smiled at us, and said we could stay and adore Jesus as long as we wished.  We also asked the Infant Jesus for His Blessing."

     "And did the baby Jesus give you His Blessing Father?" said Michah.

     "Oh yes, my son.  Jesus held out His little hand, and raised it over us with a Blessing, "said Ezechial

     "See how the Good Lord of Israel has sent my Son and His Son as a little child," said Mary, "let us be still and adore."

     "Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you," we said.

When Ezekial and Jeremiah finished telling the story, Michah's face lit up with joy.

    "Can I go to the Mount tomorrow?  I hear Jesus is coming to preach a sermon to the crowds.  I want to hear him speak," said Michah.

     "Yes, Michah, we will happily accompany you to the Mount in Jerusalem to see Jesus preach, " said Ezekial.

     "Oh thank you my Father and Grandfather!" said Michah.

     All three went back to attending their sheep on the hill.

     The next day, the sun was shining and the sky was a deep blue with white, cotton like clouds.  Michah, Ezekial, and Jeremiah went to Jerusalem to walk the mountain where Jesus was.  They were not tired, because they received the strength they needed from God. They were able to find a place on the grass neaer to where Jesus was sitting, because they have left early that day.

     The crowd gathered, and Michah, Ezekial, and Jeremiah were seated on the grassy hill.  They were happy, because they were close to Jesus and almost could touch Him.  Jesus looked so handsome with His dark, large and luminous eyes that shone with peace and love.  Jesus was tall, strong and had the most beautiful body.  He was the most perfect among men, and no man could compare to Him.  He wore a white robe with a brown sash at the waist, and brown sandals.  The face of Jesus was tanned with the sun, and the tan framed his large and dark eyes

     It became quiet, like a calm before the storm, and the crowds looked at Jesus with expectation to hear Him speak.  Jesus opened His mouth, and started telling the Beatitudes of Life.

     "Happy are those who know they are poor, because the kingdom of Heaven is theirs."

     "Oh, what words!" said Michah.  His eyes widened and he eagerly listened to what Jesus had to say next.

     "Happy are those who mourn and weep, God will surely comfort them.  Happy are the meek, they will receive what God has promised.  Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires, God will satisfy them fully.  Happy are those who are merciful to others, God will be merciful to them.  Happy are the pure of heart, they will see God.  Happy are those who work for peace among men, God will be happy to call them His children.

     Michah looked at Jesus with wonderment, he thought to himself, "That is what I want to be when I grow up, a peace maker.  I want to bring the words of Jesus to all kinds of people, no matter what color or creed they may be."

    And Jesus went on..."Happy are those who are persecuted, because they do what God asks of them.  Be happy when men persecute you and tell all kinds of lies about you, because you are my followers.  Be glad and rejoice, because a great reward is kept for you in Heaven.  This is how men persecuted the prophets who lived before you."  Jesus went on to tell the crowds how they were the salt of the earth, and they shouldn't lose their salt, which means their good deeds and love for Him and their fellowman.  He taught the people that they should obey God's law and love everyone as their brothers and sisters, without any discrimination.  Jesus ended by saying that we should all pray to Our Heavenly Father like this: Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses; which means the wrong we have done against God and our neighbor, as we forgive those who trespass against us.  Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory now and forever Amen.

     After Jesus finished His sermon, He extended His hand over the crowd for a few seconds, and blessed them. 

     "My children, my dearest children, take heed and see what you can do to bring about the kingdom of God on earth.  Trust always in your Heavenly Father, who loves you beyond any love you can imagine.  He will give you all that you need.  Your Heavenly Father wants you to believe in Him, and trust Him.    This is what brings Him great joy.  Let love rule over your hearts and minds.  Do good to those who hate you,  because it will help your soul, and your Heavenly Father will be pleased.  Do not judge, leave this to your Heavenly Father, but forgive till your hearts are emptied in love for everyone, then you will be true sons and daughters of the Lord."

    Michah, Ezekial, and Jeremiah remembered that sermon the rest of their lives, and it was like they heard it for the first time.

     As the years went on, Michah grew to manhood and became very handsome and kind.  He, with the help of the Lord, did become a peacemaker.  He helped alot of people to grow in love, peace and joy with their fellow brothers and sisters.  He helped the law makers to make good laws and show respect for all people, and tell them they are God's children.

    Jeremiah and Ezekial died, and went to God in Heaven, remembering Michah's dream of wanting to be a peacemaker.  They died with joy in their hearts and minds

    Michah was not known like the Apostles of Jesus, but he played a great part even though small, in the family of God and man.  Michah made a difference.  We all must remember to do this with the gifts God has given us.  Each one of us has a special gift, and it might not be the same as others.  It is God's special gift freely given and we must use it to make a better world.  Let us all become Michahs', Jeremiahs', and Ezekials' in today's modern world.  For then we shall hear Jesus say to all of us, "Blessed are the peacemakers."  This is the moral of the story.

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