Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Reasons and Seasons of Our Lives

     Sometimes we wonder why people and events come into our lives.  It has been a mystery since time began.  Many articles and poems have been written on the seasons and reasons in our lives.

    Let's take people, for instance.  We think that once a  person comes into our lives, they are there for a life time.  But that is not always the case.  It is hard sometimes to let people go!  We have given our hearts to them and they, too, have professed their love for us.  The hardest action to do, is to let go at the proper time and let that person find happiness in their lives.  Whether or not they have forgotten us, or will forget us, it is in God's mind.  We should not make judgements of how a person may feel, because of their actions.  Sometimes we want to hang on to that person.  We think just because we want to share with them for the rest of our lives; we think they  want to do the same.They may have issues in their lives that they are unable too, or can't share with us.  It happened to me.  I loved a person so deeply and he pledged his love for me.  But, through the years, things have changed.  I do not know if he still loves me or not, but their is pain and tears sometimes, because of sweet memories.  We rationalize and try to make sense of things, listening to others and how they feel we should act etc.  It was once said that we should follow our hearts. But if we have total trust and faith in God, we should go His route  for us,and live each day with hope, joy and making new memories.  Then if we do just that, the reasons and seasons in our lives will make sense.

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